Can You Handle It?

The Excel Fill Handle, along with the drag-and-drop editing, are helpful apparatus for seasoned financial professionals. By hovering the mouse over a cell or range of cells, a financial modeller can copy a cell or range of cells in a few time-saving ways. Additionally the fill handle can fill adjacent cells with a series of data, not to mention cell styles or cell formats.

Data Group in Excel – Strategic Planning

The Data Group tool in Excel is an important feature to implement in a best practice strategic plan. It is a safer, more intuitive alternative to hiding rows or columns, which will often be overlooked by other model users. For the purposes of strategic planning or financial planning & analysis (FP&A), the Data Group function in Excel will enhance the financial model in a number of ways.

DCF Sensitivity Analysis using Excel Data Table

The Excel Data Table “What-if Analysis” tool is one of the most powerful, yet underutilised functions in Excel. It is a great way to deliver a high-level, informative what if analysis of a company’s financial position such as its Net Present Value (NPV) from a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) schedule.