Excel AGGREGATE, not Excel aggravate!

The simple SUM function is an adequate tool to aggregate a data array in a financial model. However there are some financial spreadsheets that will require a more robust Excel function, in order to provision for hidden rows, error values, and nested SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE function cells.

The use of Excel AGGREGATE with SUM as the function syntax, depending on the Option selected, in terms of which values to disregard in the evaluation range for the function, will overcome certain problems with aggregating a data range.

Excel SUMPRODUCT in Business Planning

The Excel SUMPRODUCT function is one of the more flexible, powerful and practical tools to compute numbers in business planning. The length and breadth of Excel SUMPRODUCT speaks for itself. This article and video will identify its value in business planning, to perform both aggregation and multiplication of financial variables in a financial model.

Reverse HLOOKUP in Excel

This is a follow-up to a similar article on reverse VLOOKUP options. There will be instances where a reverse HLOOKUP, like a VLOOKUP, is required in a financial model. The following feature will outline two alternate approaches, which enable a form of reverse HLOOKUP.